Most Common Myths About Motorcycles
Myths and legends surrounding motorcycles and riding have existed since the birth of the motorcycle. If you were to sit down with a group of bikers, some will tell you one or more of the myths mentioned on our list, and it will all sound true, but the truth is different. The old saying ‘it’s not if, it’s when’ is the first myth we debunk. No rider gets on a bike thinking they will crash, and many will pass their whole riding career without an accident. Why? Because these people are experience, sensible and precautious, and admittedly, have some good luck too.
One thing that isn’t a myth about motorbikes, nor do you need any luck to get your hands on it, is how we sell high-quality professional motorcycle paint and you can debunk the myth of your bike looking old with a fresh new coat of paint.
Helmets Do More Harm Than Good
There is a reason the majority of countries have laws which require riders and passengers to wear a helmet. And even if they don’t, it is high recommended that you always ride wearing a lid.
The argument for this myth is that helmets are more likely to cause neck injuries due to the extra weight on your head. However, most studies and statistics clearly show that a helmet significantly reduces the chance of sustaining a neck injury, not to mention head injuries.
Loud Pipes = Safer Riding
When you first hear this common myth (pun intended), it does make sense. Believers will explain that the louder the note from your exhaust, the more attention and awareness you draw to yourself, and ergo, are safer. Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine claimed that those with louder pipes crash more often in fact. That is because of physics. Exhausts are at the back of your ride, and that is where the noise is directed, meaning cars in front might not even hear you. At an intersection, you’re riding ahead of the noise. The best way to draw attention is to be seen with bright colors and not how loud your exhaust is.
Racing Tires Are Safer & Better Than Road Tires
Racing tires are very different from road tires. They are made of different compounds, giving them different properties, and are designed for racing. They are heat activated so to speak, meaning they work best when it is hot, and they become sticky from one heat cycle. Racing tires work well on dry, hot roads but no in the rain.
Road tires have better all-weather grip, meaning the hold in the rain and on colder days, where racing tires won’t. They will also wear better, give you more stability and give consistent performance.
Lay Down Your Bike If You’re About to Crash
When bikes are involved in accidents, they happen so fast the rider has to time to think about laying the bike down. Plus, do you think it makes sense to crash your bike every time you think you are going down? The logic stems from the thought of it being safer for you at ground level than flying. However, if you slide into the side of a vehicle, there is a high chance you will slide into it even faster. The best thing to do is try and slow down as much as possible.
Traction Control Will Help You Go Faster
Yes and no. Traction control will help an experienced rider overcome certain human errors, however, if you are an inexperienced rider you will not notice the benefits from traction control. Traction control can help you out of a bad situation, but it doesn’t make your bike go faster.
Your Motorcycle Will Make You Irresistible to Women
To fellow bikers, a bike is cool, the look, the feel freedom, etc. the whole package to make you irresistible to women, right? Wrong. Dirty hands from making modifications, helmet hair and sweaty gear is not a great look. Having a bike can improve your confidence (and confidence is apparently sexy) but it doesn’t change you as a person.
Small Objects on The Road Will Make You Crash
I was surprised to find that many people believe that if you hit even a pebble, you will be in an accident. Think about that. If it were true, there would be no bikes on the road. Very few roads are in perfect condition, so as a rider you will encounter small objects on the road, and as you would in a car, you drive over it and let the suspension do its job.
Other Drivers Don’t Care About Motorcyclists
Let’s get one thing straight here: Nobody wants to hit you. Near misses happen because the driver of the car doesn’t know you where there, due to a lack of concentration, etc. Bikes are smaller than cars too, and that means you can be hidden by glare or a roof pillar. Make it easier for other road users to see you, as nobody is constantly trying to spot you.
It’s Better To Stay In Your Lane Than Split Lanes
Most riders, across most of the world, will split lanes to avoid heavy traffic. It just makes sense. However, the US seems to think lane splitting is foolish and dangerous. The statistics from California, one of the places it is legal, show that splitting lanes is slightly safer than staying in lane during slow moving heavy traffic.
I’m Safer on The Street Than on The Interstate
The idea of slower is safer is true once you are involved in an accident. Interstates or controlled-access roads are relatively safer, as all the traffic is heading in the same direction. There are also no side-streets or alleys from which other vehicles can appear, or sidewalks for pedestrians. Essentially, interstates have fewer potential risks other than the speed you are travelling and other road users. So, while it may seem scary at first, there are fewer risks of something or someone popping out in front of you, therefore, safer.