Motorcycle Paint Project Finishing & Aftercare

If you have made it this far, you have put in some major work on your motorcycle paint project, including:

  • Prepping
  • Filling
  • Sanding
  • Priming
  • More sanding
  • Probably more sanding
  • Painting

If you have seen this project through to this stage, congratulations - you have done more than most people will!

In this final section, we want to focus on finishing out your project, as well as what you can do to keep your paint looking great for the long term.


If force dried you need wait 3-6 hours at 70 degrees (F) before buffing, and If air dried, wait 6-10 hours, depending on temperature and activator, before buffing.

Begin by removing any dust with a soft, dampened cloth and sand with 1500 grit or finer paper. Wet sanding is preferred - you can simply use a spray bottle to keep the surface wet. Water keeps the dust from the paint you are sanding from becoming a dry, abrasive powder that scratches the paint more. After you have finished the wet sanding, you are ready to polish with medium duty compound and finish with a soft polishing using slower speed to reduce your chances of the paint burning due to excessive heat generated by friction of the pad on your bike.

A rotary buffer looks pretty much like an angle grinder if you have spent much time in a shop - and it runs about the same way. Of course, we are talking about  a big difference in the RPMs that the two run at, but the operation is about the same. It is a bug spinning disc with a couple handles. Run your polisher at around 1700-2000 rpm for the best results with our Motorcycle paint.

Apply a protective wax

Once your project is complete, applying a protective wax to the surface can do even more to protect the paint and give it a good lasting finish.

There are 2 types of paint protective coatings for your Motorcycle:

  • Waxes - Natural waxes meant to seal your paint
  • Sealants - a synthetic blend meant to seal your paint job

Within these two categories are two more: cleaning and finishing products. Both of these types are found in both categories of coatings.

It is generally accepted practice to NOT use a cleaning product after a new paint job, even after the curing period is finished. A Cleaning product is a blend of cleaning and polishing chemicals that both clean the surface and leave a protective layer behind. These are "one-step products" as they are an all-in-one solution. These are best used on neglected finishes that need some TLC as they are most useful on a finish that has contamination buildup 

Finishing products are what you will want to apply to your motorcycle after new paint has been applied. These products are meant to go on pristine, fresh paint and meant to be a finishing touch. These products are for the most part applied by rubbing them on, spreading them around, and wiping off all the remaining product. 

Cleaning up

Clean equipment thoroughly with lacquer thinner or Urethane Reducer and be sure to check all the local rules and regulations for proper disposal. 

You are now ready to take your new bike out with it's new motorcycle paint and hit the open road.

Thank you for taking a look at our Motorcycle Paint How-To Guide, and safe riding my friend!